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Visitors 57
Modified 24-Aug-16
Created 23-Aug-16
30 photos

The 120 year old Port Clinton Pier lighthouse was recently moved to a permanent home on the shores of Lake Erie. The 12,000 pound light was moved by barge (about half a mile down the Portage River), crane and truck...thanks to the Port Clinton Lighthouse Conservancy, a local group which raised the funds and handled the restoration (Rich Norgard...President). After about 6o years at the Brand marina, the Conservancy worked out a license agreement with the city to place the light on property leased from the State of Ohio...and the Conservancy will maintain the light at no expense to the city.
The light was on the Portage River from 1896 to 1952 when it was moved to the marina and scheduled for destruction. However, marina owner Dave Jeremy saved the light...and the rest, as they say, is history.
There is still more work to be done in the weeks ahead before the dedication in late September...steps will be constructed, landscaping (with rocks from a local quarry) will be completed, plus a Fresnel lens will be installed.
I will be returning ASAP to see...and photograph...the completed photos will be added at that time.
These photos are from Monday, August 22, 2016.

I was accompanied on the trip by Lilla, our daughter-in-law; Iain, her brother; and, of course, my favorite photography companion, Monnie.

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